Bad Timing – or How to Write History Without Objects
26.08.23 — 22.10.23
Hannah Black, Ulla von Brandenburg, Henriette Heise, Atiéna R. Kilfa, Marie Søndergaard Lolk, Eliyah Mesayer, Jota Mombaca, Anna Munk, Lea Porsager & Bob Smith
★★★★★ Jyllands-Posten
♥♥♥♥♥ Politiken
“An overwhelmingly beautiful manifestation.” Information
“One of those exhibitions where everything comes together in perfect harmony.”
Bad Timing – or How to Write History Without Objects is based on the historical exhibition Women Artists’ Retrospective Exhibition from 1920, where 200 female artists (both living and dead) exhibited almost 700 works at Den Frie. This historical moment becomes an occasion to examine how artists, then as well as today, are active writers of their own and our common art history.
The exhibition is generously supported by
15. Juni fonden
Augustinus Fonden
Arne V. Schleschs Fond
Bodil Pedersen Fonden
Dansk Tennis Fond
Knud Højgaard Fond
Novo Nordisk Fonden
Det Opelske Familiefond
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansen Fond
Statens Kunstfond
Thanks to the lenders
Mikkel Amby
Kunstmuseum Brandts
Anne-Marie Graae
Hanne Graae
Malene Graae
Peter Holck
Kvindernes Bygning
Christian Linde
Museum Odense
Johs Schmidt, Københavns Kunsthandel
Claus M. Smidt
Vejen Kunstmuseum
Øvrige private udlånere
Anna Weile Kjær
Curatorial Assistance
Laura Gerdes-Miranda
Nikola Nedeljkovic Gøttsche
Chief Technician
Søren Fjeldsø
Install & Technique
Lars Buchardt
Sally Gaarde
Peter Højbjerg,
Erik Hällman
Malthe Junge
Morten Keiser-Nielsen
Sophia Luna Portra
Zetup Art Service