Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art is owned by artists and functions as a private art institution which receives an annual operating grant from the Ministry of Culture and Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Visual Arts Project Funding. Den Frie is very grateful to our sponsors, funds and partners, who all actively contribute and help to ensure that we can offer attractive deals to exhibiting artists in terms of equipment, printed materials, food, accommodation, etc.
Together with our sponsors, funds and partners, we continuously strive to keep exhibitions and events at the highest quality, making sure that Den Frie can offer a high level of communication and representation. We therefore thank our close partners, generous sponsors and funds for their support in our work with being Denmark’s leading contemporary art institution.
Besides the annual operating grant from the Ministry of Culture and Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Visual Arts Project Funding, Den Frie is also supported by private funds. Without their interest and involvement, our comprehensive annual program could not be achieved, and we are very grateful for their major support.
Funds who have supported Den Frie include:
15. Juni Fonden, A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastine Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til almene Formaal , Augustinus Fonden, Bikubenfonden, Dansk Tennis Fond, Ernst B. Sund Fonden, Knud Højgaards Fond, Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstudvalg, Ny Carlsbergfondet – Post doc., Oticon Fonden, Realdania, Danish Arts Foundation’s Committee for Visual Arts Project Funding, Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond, Beckett-Fonden, Spar Nord Fonden, Lemvigh-Müller Fonden and Villumfonden.